FastAPI - A python framework | Full Course
from fastapi import FastAPI
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel
app = FastAPI()
def index(limit=10, published: bool = True, sort: Optional[str] = None):
# only get 10 published blogs
if published:
return {'data': f'{limit} published blogs from the db'}
return {'data': f'{limit} blogs from the db'}
def unpublished():
return {'data': 'all unpublished blogs'}
def show(id: int):
# fetch blog with id = id
return {'data': id}
def comments(id, limit=10):
# fetch comments of blog with id = id
return {'data': {'1', '2'}}
class Blog(BaseModel):
title: str
body: str
published: Optional[bool]'/blog')
def create_blog(blog: Blog):
return {'data': f"Blog is created with title as {blog.title}"}
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