
같은 이메일, 캘린더 항목, 작업, 연락처를 삭제하는 아웃룩 매크로 파일





Attribute VB_Name = "OutlookMacro"


' Goal        : VBA macro "DeleteDuplicatedEntries" to delete

'               duplicated entries in Microsoft Outlook

'              (emails, calendar's items, tasks, contacts).


' Author      : J.-C. Stritt

' Environment : tested with VBA for Outlook 2007 on Windows XP

' Releases    : V1.0 / 31-OCT-2002 (first release)

'               V1.1 / 19-MAY-2009 (duplicated contacts remove added)

'               V2.0 / 22-JUN-2009 (rewriting all with a class module)

'               V2.1 / 24-JUN-2009 (small modifications)

'               V2.2 / 18-SEP-2009 (better key management and progressbox)


' Remarks     : - first based on Microsoft Q294457 - OL2002

'                 "How to Programmatically Search a Folder Tree"


'               - delete duplicates algorithm is based

'                 on a sort in a folder collection items

'                 and a string compare key


'               - for emails, these macro give you the possibility

'                 to pickup an entry folder. Then, the macro process

'                 each entry (delete if match) in the folder

'                 and recursivly to all subfolders


' Licence     : You can copy this code freely, but it should

'               be left accompanied by these comments.


Option Explicit


Dim lCount As Long 'to count the deleted items



'the macro that delete the duplicated entries

Public Sub DeleteDuplicatedEntries()

  Dim rep As String, choice As Integer

  Dim olCtx As OutlookContext


  'loop for user interaction


    rep = InputBox("This macro delete duplicates entries" & vbNewLine _

                 & "for a given category of items." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _

                 & "1 = emails" & vbNewLine _

                 & "2 = calendar" & vbNewLine _

                 & "3 = tasks" & vbNewLine _

                 & "4 = contacts" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _

                 & "q = quit the macro", "Question")

    If IsNumeric(rep) Then

      choice = CInt(rep)

      If (choice >= 1) And (choice <= 4) Then

        'initialize some global var

        lCount = 0


        'get a reference to the Outlook application and session.

        Set olCtx = New OutlookContext

        olCtx.Create (choice)


        'ok to begin process ?

        If MsgBox(olCtx.GetQuestion(), vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Question") = vbYes Then


          'set a start folder

          If (olCtx.SetStartFolder()) Then


            'process the first folder (and other by recursive calls to ProcessFolder)


            Call ProcessFolder(olCtx)


            Call MsgBox(CStr(lCount) & " " & olCtx.GetMessage(), vbOKOnly, "Info")


          End If

        End If

        Set olCtx = Nothing

      End If

    End If

  Loop Until UCase(rep) = "Q"

End Sub


'the process folder : each folder item is compared to the previous to delete duplicated entries

Private Sub ProcessFolder(olCtx As OutlookContext)

  Dim i As Long

  Dim strLastKey As String, strNewKey As String

  Dim olNewFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder

  Dim olTempItem As Object     'could be various item types

  Dim myItems As Outlook.Items 'a local copy of the collection


  'initialize last key string

  strLastKey = ""


  'copy the collection (it's obligatory for the sort) and sort them

  Set myItems = olCtx.GetFolder().Items

  On Error Resume Next

  Call myItems.Sort("[" & olCtx.GetSortKey() & "]", True)

  On Error GoTo 0


  'loop through the items in the current folder (backwards in this case of items to delete)

  For i = myItems.Count To 1 Step -1

    Set olTempItem = myItems(i)


    'process only if type is OK

    If typeName(olTempItem) = olCtx.GetTypeName() Then

      With olTempItem

        strNewKey = olCtx.GetCurrKey(olTempItem)


        'uncomment next lines for debugging

        'Debug.Print strNewKey

        'Debug.Print strLastKey



        'update percent in progressbox

        ProgressBox.Increment (myItems.Count - i + 1) / myItems.Count * 100


        'check to see if a match is found

        If strNewKey = strLastKey Then


          'comment the next line if you want just debug, not delete for this moment



          'count deleted items

          lCount = lCount + 1

        End If


        'memorize last key found

        strLastKey = strNewKey

      End With

    End If



  'loop through and search each subfolder of the current folder.

  For Each olNewFolder In olCtx.GetFolder().Folders

    Call olCtx.SetFolder(olNewFolder)

    Call ProcessFolder(olCtx)



End Sub





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